The Open Forum Podcast
The open forum podcast aims to be a space where people with differing views and ideas can come to openly explore those without fear of being demonised, de-platformed or otherwise. It’s the place to hear about anything and everything, from everybody’s favourite virus to economics to climate change to general science & history! Nothing is off limits, so sit back and prepare to open your mind! Evidence to back up the things talked about, where possible, will be posted in the description for each episode so you can go away with the facts, or, receipts, that matter in hand and hopefully walking away more informed than when you walked in!

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Gus Fraser, CEO of Revoke & Blokk works in Cyber Security, Software Engineering & data privacy. Today we're discussing your privacy online and why it matters. Not just for you the individual (though it should concern you!) But also for society as the collective. There's no need for someone to put a chip in you when your mobile phone does all the tracking for any unscrupulous individuals anyways. Whether it's location tracking, cookies, the unfettered reach of big tech companies in your life, as well as the ways that they manipulate your feelings, opinions and choices (there's a lot there, trust me!) the connection of big tech companies to intelligence agencies the globe over, not just the CIA, we discuss all of this and more! Tune in to find out!
00:51 Intro03:12 Cookies, Our data & Consent05:25 What's the problem with just hitting "accept"?07:00 Dangers of Location data 11:45 Data brokers - no darkweb necessary!13:30 Tech giants - they're listening to you!14:30 Expansion of AI usage & data collection.17:30 Algorithms are manipulating us18:30 Election manipulation through data & Cambridge Analytica23:30 Apple & privacy culture.25:10 Intelligence agencies and your data28:00 You're always tracked - why do they need this data for personalised ads?32:00 Ad tech fraud37:00 What's the worst thing you see with the degredation of privacy due to tech?39:30 More clarity on cameras, tech & Privacy policies 43:45 What can we do to get around these issues?49:00 How can we effect change at big tech companies?54:00 WiFi hotspots - Apple & Google55:00 Blokk app - preventing ads and trackers.1:02:00 Tips for privacy for individuals1:03:00 Where to find you
NYT location data data sets
Strava US military ops runners
Google Fined (one of many, just search and see!)
Facebook Listening
JRE #1768 Robert Epstein
Apple fine w/ privacy
Google CIA
Apple Airtag when off
Apple/Amazon/Google Mesh networking tracking
Blokk app
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Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Christie Grace is a consultant in biotechnology specifically on recombinant antibodies, CRISPR, mRNA, gene synthesis & Quality control. On this episode we discuss Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP) - and how they relate to mRNA technology as the delivery mechanism. We dive into the known adverse outcomes related to the LNP's with regards to clotting, damage to endothelial cells, fertility and more as well as how this was known to the CDC and NIH for years prior. The freeze-thaw process is also out to be questioned due to known ways this degrades the LNP's.
0:45 Intro04:30 What is it about the mRNA tech that's so different? What about in the lab?10:30 Why is the timeline questionable for the trials?12:00 What is mRNA23:45 What & Why are LNP's important (lipid nano particles)41:00 mRNA fragmentation within batches/vials47:15 Could fragmentation be an accident53:00 Freeze thaw54:30 Ribosomal overload1:00:00 Real life freeze thaw issues (data at the 53 min mark)1:09:00 Does the initial trial pass the sniff test?1:18:30 What does this mean for the public?1:29:00 Where does this all end?1:46:50 Top tips to stay aware1:54:40 Where to find Christie
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What are Ionizable Lipids (for use in Lipic Nano Particles),be%20protonated%20at%20low%20pH Degredation of LNP
Safety data sheets
LNP Oxidative stress & toxicity (clots, cancer inducing etc.) LNP Reproduction Misfolded proteins
Aussie TGA specific batches and allocations
Japan foreign substances Freeze thaw
Spike found in brain & heart tissue "Dansen met Janssen" (You'll have to translate the page)
What's spike Safety of LNP mRNA rat/monkey
Circulating spike protein
Coagulation triggered by positively charged surfaces
Phosphatidylethanolamine & coagulation with VLDL
Mouse models and human lipoprotein suitability
Naturally occurring cholesterol analogues in LNP
Mechanisms for DVT & Management's%20Triad%2C%20first%20described%20in,cause%20thrombus%20formation%20(8)
Plasma lipids & Clotting
Clotting and lipids

Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
John Kiriakou is the only person in CIA history to go to prison for crimes relating to torture - NOT carrying out torture, or giving the order for others to carry out said torture. Instead, John went to prison for blowing the whistle on torture. Join us as we talk about what led to John blowing the whistle, what exactly was/is enhanced interrogation, was it actually useful, as well as some of the less publicised, darker aspects of whistleblowing, such as multiple FBI investigations, malicious prosecution and more.
01:30 Intro02:30 Blowing the whistle in 2007 on torture program.05:00 Extremist groups in the 90's in Greece09:00 Only 16 Arabic speakers in the CIA!12:15 What were your next moves in intelligence after the WTC attacks16:00 Capturing "Al-Qaeda's number 3 guy" & Extraordinary Rendition29:04 Can we really say that there were no secret prisons or rendition programs prior to 2002?32:30 Enhanced interrogation training (IE torture program)35:18 The "13 steps" of enhanced interrogation41:00 Does torture actually work?43:15 You are quoted as saying in interviews torture *does* work?49:00 your blowing the whistle wasn't only altruistic52:15 Multiple FBI investigations against you & sentencing 57:30 Whistleblower treatment1:07:00 False Flags & CIA operations - Northwoods, Bluebook Mockingbird etc. - governments lie... 01:09:00 9/11 - Al Qaeda or inside job?01:12:00 Operation Northwoods false flags01:17:10 Educate yourselves!
Before I add the links to different sources for some of the elements we touch on, John has written multiple books, both on blowing the whistle and other elements surrounding his time in the CIA. I'm going to pop a link here - it's not an affiliate link or anything - I'm not paid to add it nor has John asked me, but I do have a couple of his books and they make for fascinating reading, if you're interested in this kind of stuff and want to know more about John, by all means grab one of his books. I truly believe in the adage of we vote with our dollars and that we should support those who we believe in, if we can (times are hard for everyone!)'s the amazon link for his authors page - but you can get the books from other vendors or local book stores! I try to go local where possible and only use amazon for my books as a last resort.
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US lacking Arabic speakers Zabaydah in custody still Bush - we don't torture people secret prison was Zubaydah brought to 13 steps enhanced interrogation Tortured prisoners to death Elsberg - pentagon papers of different operations highlighting three letter agencies operations conducted (or planned to be conducted on) the citizenryOperation Northwoods Climax wind

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
John Perkins was an Economic Hitman formerly of Chas T Main - where he would be responsible for setting up contracts to help bring countries into a modern day form of colonisation through debt slavery under the guise of foreign aid helping to build new infrastructure. Eventually walking away from this work John went on to blow the whistle on his and others in his field of works' activities in 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' a New York Times best seller.On this episode we talk about his past and then look at how we can recognise when foreign governments are attempting to shift other countries through the guise of aid into debt slavery. We discuss how this has shaped the world we live in today and where the war with Russia & Ukraine looks to play a role. On top of that we discuss John's upcoming book due for release in Feb where he talks about China's EHM's and how they have further refined the EHM strategy.
1:40 Intro2:40 What is an Economic Hitman (EHM)08:30 Failed coup attempts11:30 How often is it these planned coups happen and how can we see the signs? Other examples?17:25 Money for infrastructure isn't going to those countries involved - bribes & debts!24:20 How are countries taking these loans from China instead of the USA now?30:30 How are we now in a position where those in power are no longer working for the good of the common man? 32:30 Climate change as a result of EHM policies?35:40 We've no infrastructure to go without Hydrocarbons - why no nuclear?38:40 How much do we have to suffer to make up for the mistakes of the past?43:50 Friedman-esque Neo-liberal economics50:40 People are turning away from democracy?53:00 I don't believe we live in a true democracy55:10 How far has China's reach gotten?58:00 The new Silk Road (Belt & Road initiative)1:00:00 How have China convinced people to pick their version of colonialism over Europe's and the US?1:04:00 is the World Economic Forum another player on the colonialisation?1:10:40 How does Russia & Ukraine factor in to the global stage?1:16:15 Final thoughts
-----------Some links:As you know by now, I always add in links to back up what is said in these podcasts however, with this one, I don't think I'd be able to do it justice in the same way John has, in his books he provides references galore with everything he has said - this book was one of the reasons that I wanted to start The Open Forum in the first place - the sheer volume of evidence supplied is irrefutable and I feel we should all strive to have that level of thoroughness in everything we do. I'll have a couple links below but I implore you to check out his books - Confessions of an Economic Hitman (Or the New Confessions - updated, published 2016) .. The Secret History of the American Empire and his new one dropping in Feb 2023 (though John has a few other books to his name as well!)
Jackals, CIA assets day jackals in 2009, Honduras
Iraq - how much the Gov lies to us...
China debt forgiveness africa

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Vera Sharav is a medical activist having founded the AHRP (Alliance for Human Research Protection) - an organisation working on on behalf of the people for proper voluntary & informed consent for medical intervention - Vera & the AHRP are in no small part the reason we're aware of a lot of medical and scientific malpractice - from illegal experimentation on foster children with AIDS vax & drugs to drug regulators having to acknowledge the suicide risks associated with anti depressants (yes - the pills give you suicidal ideation - I wish I was making that up) to name but a couple things she has brought light. On this episode of the podcast we talk about Vera's experience during the Holocaust and beyond, touching on elements of her survival there shaping and impacting her moving forward with the rest of her life, as well as the lessons we should have learned from the build up to the Holocaust - which we unfortunately clearly did not as our privacy and rights were categorically stripped away during the last three years of the pandemic. Don't take my word for it, as that's inflammatory - you've someone who experienced first had the loss of liberty in *one of* the worst atrocities in living memory. We also talk about what we can do moving forward to not only prevent this from happening again, but what will happen if we continue down the pathway we're currently heading down
As always links below for supplementary evidence!
1:18 Issues within media3:25 Vera's history in the camps and on getting to freedom11:50 On disobeying authority & Transhumanism16:30 Parallels of the 1930's to the pandemic years20:50 Utilisation of propaganda to instill fear and engineer compliance and gaining control26:02 How and What Can We Do To Disobey 32:08 They can control your finances and take your freedoms35:10 Show me your papers38:48 It's a pandemic of the who now?40:10 March/April 2020 41:35 Parralels in Germany T4 (Aktion T4)48:25 The state of medicine today.55:38 Who is the "they" pulling the strings?58:00 Energy crisis 1:01:00 The media culpability1:04:00 Childhood vaxx schedule1:08:30 Western countries are targeted 1:12:00 Operation paperclip and beyond!1:14:00 Population control ideologies 1:16:00 Nobody is coming to save you this time1:22:00 Is the Green Agenda a way to manipulate people further?1:25:15 Parting words
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Digital ID, Transhumanism, injectable IDSweden has injectable COVID pass chip
US AID on digital ID development Digital Wallets for EU citizens
Czech president updates issues facing Digi-ID's (there's so much more, UK, NL, you name it in the EU and they're on it...)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pumps $200M into digital ID's
Sweden - chips in handsYuval Noah Harari TransHumanism
partnerships with big tech
Charles cop 26 supercede individual nations CNBC Article & Video
BoJo article - pop control
Prince Phil (I called him by the wrong name during the pod... My baaaaD) - if I were an animal foreword
Israel is test for cov injections - albert bourla
Comms between SoMe & Gov - Al Ber - twit/gov censorship
Grace Schara case
Emergency auth only possible with no alt. treatment
AZOV batallion - because I don't know if I'd get the video pulled for showing their N*zi stuff - simply go to and google Azov Batallion N*zi Here's something by Stanford on them...
Childhood vaccine schedule - C-Vax perm immunity
NL bugs
Germany cow masks

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Senator Malcolm Roberts joins me again on the podcast this time to discuss Climate Change - or - a lack thereof! We're constantly told we're bad people and we're destroying the planet with our CO2 emissions - but is that really the case? Join us as we break that down, as well as discussing the real impacts of man made climate change - what can be proven - and what is actually just normal for planet earth! Oh, and the big one - why CO2 is actually GOOD for the greenery of the planet! Also, what is the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE... it's an important distinction that is often left by the wayside, and when we don't recognise that difference it is *very* easy to be manipulated when discussing it!
As always, some links down below for background to what we've covered!
00:20 intro01:03 Difference between CLIMATE and the WEATHER & what is variability11:03 What is Climate alarmism18:00 Why are people just accepting these dire circumstances?24:30 OBSERVABLE Human impact on CO2 during 2008 & 2020 periods of decreased human activity34:00 What is wrong with the noble lie of getting off of fossil fuels/hydrocarbons?42:30 Why is nuclear not being discussed50:30 Why aren't renewables all they're made out to be?56:00 ESG/SDG scores & Farming - controlling our lands1:02:00 If you don't think they're controlling you...!
World Climate Declaration (IMPORTANT TO READ!) This was released maybe a week after myself and Malcolm spoke which was a shame! I think we could have had a great chat about this!
NASA CO2 levels data - plot this against the slow down in trade/economy/output in the financial crisis as well as lockdown Vs. CO2 levels and you get something quite interesting!
UK "Siberian Climate" by 2020 Posts with more articles - feel free to check those articles
Germany Warming Spaces in Winter blues
Germany shutting down nuclear power plants
WEF + UN Agreement June 2019 to speed up Agenda 2030
Clouds and climate - thought I'd share this link as it's quite cute! Nasa kids!
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Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
On this episode of I talk with Michael Nevradakis, PhD about everyone's favourite party guests the World Economic Forum. We discuss how they've infiltrated governments and global organisations, how their goals are being pushed forward in the media through behavioural nudging as well as the impact some of the policies they're helping to enforce are now negatively affecting society for example with ESG & SDG scores (more can be found on these in the links down below) as well as climate goals, Agenda 2030 and the like. In order not to have it all looking doom and gloom and an inevitability that the WEF will take control of global governance, we also discuss how we can be better protecting ourselves and how to pick up on media that might be influencing yours, and my decision making towards their goals.
Michael is a fantastic journalist and researcher with a PhD in media studies, masters in public policy and bachelors in political sciences, next to that he was a lecturer at the university of Texas, radio and podcast host. Join us as we discuss a topic he has written about extensively in the form of the WEF! Be sure to check out his work on the Children's Health Defence website (linked below)
0:15 Intro4:20 How does the World Economic Forum (WEF) factor into todays society10:15 How does the WEF marry up to the UN13:30 Sri Lanka, WEF, ESG/SDG15:30 NL policies on farmers 25:00 Where is this social engineering taking us and why have so few cottoned on?25:55 Attacking the meat industry - you'll eat bugs!38:10 How has the energy crisis come about? Relation to the Greek economic crisis?50:00 How can we do something about it all?59:00 Keep informing yourself1:04:35 What should we look out for in journalism to recognise nudges or manipulation1:10:38 How does the "Great Reset" fit in to all this?1:12:00 You will own nothing and be happy: 4th industrial revolution 1:18:18 Closing remarks: Looking to the future
Michael's page on The Defender
WEF + UN Agreement June 2019 to speed up Agenda 2030
Sri lankan PM piece on success in 2025 Vision 2025 World Bank + Sri Lanka
Wall Street Journal Article on Sri Lankan protests
Protein rich insects... BBC!
Original Article from Danish MP Ida Auken - It's 2030 I own nothing, have no privacy and life has never been better (Article from Way Back Machine because the WEF deleted it in response to negative attention gained in 2020 - Note - the article was written in 2016)
Greece removes street lights
SDG scores ESG scores
Klaus Schwab YGL (putin, trudeau, penetrating cabinets)
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Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Gary Sidley is a retired consultant clinical psychologist having worked for over 3 decades in the NHS, since then he worked tirelessly as a patient advocate for better treatment for mental health not just biologics treatment. Today however we're discussing his work with the HART group ( ) & Smile Free ( ) looking into both nudges and the psychological effects of masking, mandates & lockdowns and the detrimental effect that has had on the population at large. Join us as we talk about how nudging and 3 main types of nudges were used to enforce complaince of you, me and everyone else and how you can avoid being nudged or at the very least - how to be aware there is an element of nudging going on around you as well where this all looks to be going!
00:15 Intro05:55 Mask mandates & fear inducing measures09:45 Behavioural sciences useage11:25 3 big Nudges used 15:00 Norm nudges - masking!19:36 Other examples so we can better prepare!24:13 Why aren't more people speaking up, what's happening there?25:50 Why is it so bad for the government to tell us white lies on these things? (The Noble Lie!)33:00 Are people becomming aware?34:30 How can we avoid falling for the nudges again?37:10 3 ways to protect from nudges38:29 Read alternative news sources not just legacy/main stream media39:11 Stop following harmful/nonsensical "recommendations"41:40 Who is the "they", the globalist corporatocracy (WEF, Blackrock etc.)44:00 Arno Wellens episode on related CBDC evidence/links etc. can be found in that episode description46:25 What will this mean for the future of our children50:30 How does globalism come to the local level!?51:10 Business & Medicine is captured at every level54:37 Admitted lies around ivermectin due to funding issues57:07 Make dissent visible - Challenge the illusion of consensus
SPI-B Government document outlining increasing perceived level of threat for adherance Stay home, Protect the NHS, Save lives - Gov website ads for TV We're not safe until we're all safe (Aussie version)'re-not-safe-until-we're-safe Fear p*rn from The Sun
Event 201 Pandemic prep Monkeypox NTI table top exercise WHO declares global emergency Re: Monkeypox
Hayley Hodgson quarantine camp Australia
Great Barrington Declaration
Arno Wellens Episode:YouTube Spotify
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Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Scott Newgent is the founder of - Scott underwent gender reassignment at the age of 41 and following a series of medical issues stemming directly as a result from transitioning which amongst other issues almost resulted in him dying led Scott on a pathway to found TRE Voices with the goal of preventing children transitioning and shed light on the realities of transitioning - though it may be right for some people - everyone needs to be fully informed and children shouldn't be transitioned nor should they be taught gender ideology in the classrooms.Join me as we take a dive in to the realities around transitioning, the deep rooted homophobia of the modern movement to transition everyone & some of the medical complications around transitioning that the pamphlets at your local gender affirming therapists offices don't tell you.
01:12 Intro02:53 Scott's journey transitioning09:55 Surgeries & hormone therapies are ALL experimental treatments (bar "top" surgery)14:50 Different surgeries & Scott's experience16:50 Why you can't sue for medical malpractice for trans surgery issues in the US20:00 Medical Issues post medical transitioning for children27:40 De-Transitioning & stopping hormone therapy31:10 We're all looking for acceptance & a community that'll accept us40:20 Would you of transitioned knowing what you know now?45:00 Is there an element of internalized homophobia in transitioning?49:15 What role should schools play in this? Pronouns, genders etc.? 54:00 No money in would we be medically transitioning children?58:20 Even if it's difficult we must stand up for children1:03:00 Parents promoting their children into trans identity are only looking after themselves1:04:20 Why aren't the gay community saying something about this?1:06:10 Raising awareness isn't easy but it has to be done
Scott's website - here Scott shares a lot of resources, scientific literature & more in and around the truths behind childhood
Lupron $875M lawsuit
Loudoun county school covers up sexual assault
Medical transitioning doesn't seem to improve mental health outcomes - correction of an earlier published paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry
Puberty blockers do not seem to provide significant psychological benefit
Co morbidities in those with Gender Dysphoria
Long term follow up of those who underwent gender reassignment

Saturday Jun 18, 2022
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
James Esses is a former criminal barrister who also volunteered for 5 years at childline before deciding to undertake a masters in Psychotherapy and founder of Thoughtful Therapists - shortly after being given permission during to start his own clinic he was dismissed from the course without notice for gender critical beliefs which became prominent due to a petition looking to safeguard explorative therapies for children as they related to gender dysphoria. After being dismissed from the course he was subsequently let go from child line as well.
The focus of this episode is on opening up a dialogue around transitioning and allowing people to understand all aspects surrounding it due to many people being afraid to further explore a person's desire to transition due to fear of being labelled a bigot or transphobic, as well as the Unknown factors around childhood transitioning due to no long term data or studies around the usage of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones.
As always relevant articles are linked at the bottom of the description however, If you want to support James in his battle against the university due to the unfair dismissal - this case isn't just about James - it is also about protecting free speech and prevent people from being punished for freedom of speech, thought and expression and as James puts it - especially when the goal is to protect children. (also linked below)01:20 Intro03:18 What was it that got you barred from the Masters in psychotherapy?04:40 What was the general idea behind the petition? 05:40 Internationally, therapists are scared to work with those suffering from gender dysphoria07:26 Are there more affirming therapists due to the current social/political climate surrounding gender identity?09:14 What is the job of a Psychotherapist then? 14:04 What happens to young people who aren't medically transitioned? What does the evidence say?15:48 Long term effects of puberty blockers? 18:26 Transitioning still has high suicide rates for adults & children 20:04 Are we exploring all options prior to transitioning for children? Is it appropriate?22:52 Experimentation of John Money 25:22 Are we regressing to stereotypes?28:28 Impacts of detransitioning? 34:26 Social pressure for people to transition39:50 Power of language41:50 What is Gender Identity44:45 Power of pronouns46:15 How can we truly support & help people with gender dysphoria?54:30 What can people expect if they speak out?
Thoughtful Therapists
James' crowd justice page if you wish to donate & help towards the legal case
Queen speech
Medical transitioning doesn't seem to improve mental health outcomes - correction of an earlier published paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry
Puberty blockers do not seem to provide significant psychological benefit
Co morbidities in those with Gender Dysphoria
Long term follow up of those who underwent gender reassignment video on the case of David Reimer (the John Money experiment)
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