The Open Forum Podcast
The open forum podcast aims to be a space where people with differing views and ideas can come to openly explore those without fear of being demonised, de-platformed or otherwise. It’s the place to hear about anything and everything, from everybody’s favourite virus to economics to climate change to general science & history! Nothing is off limits, so sit back and prepare to open your mind! Evidence to back up the things talked about, where possible, will be posted in the description for each episode so you can go away with the facts, or, receipts, that matter in hand and hopefully walking away more informed than when you walked in!

Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Malcolm Roberts is a Senator for Queensland, Australia. In this episode of the podcast we revisit Australia and discuss further impacts of Covid restrictions on the Australian people, as well as what the elected officials are doing. In addition we discuss the social conditioning and stigma associated and perpetuated by the media and workplaces for anyone who decided to go against the grain. Malcolm talks through Anthony Fauci and the role he played as the Covid Czar for both Trump & Biden administrations. In the second half we go on to talk about the "Trusted Digital ID bill" that is being pushed in Australia and digital ID on a global scale. We also discuss the push for global governance through the UN's Agenda 21 and how that will impact everyone from what they can eat, where they can live and how they can travel.
00:40 Intro06:00 Getting into the climate over-reaction08:00 Why Covid shifted attention away from climate10:30 Aussie news on COVID reporting, censorship13:00 Data requests within parliament15:50 Issues with the UN & Global governance & WEF17:40 Infringement on aussie freedoms? 21:00 Aus vs Taiwan response & death22:45 Injection mandates, passports & loss of freedoms25:00 Federal gov manipulated state gov to carry out mandates32:28 Ivermectin & governmental pushbacks on Ivm & social media blocks39:20 Social conditioning & Stigma, Money, Control47:40 How did omicron get in Australia?49:00 Anthony Fauci's role in the pandemic51:20 Aspects of testing not conducted on cov-19 53:00 Vaccine deaths 54:17 Digital ID "Trusted" Digital ID Bill55:20 How Cash Elimination & Bank Debt work for Digital ID for monitoring purposes1:01:20 Implementation of a social credit system?1:04:10 Who are the globalist - UN & Beyond 1:14:17 Agenda 21, Paris agreement & climate crisis hysteria
Australian constitution *Section 51 xxiiiA
Taiwan had 7 deaths by Nov 2020
WHO essential medicines list
Pfizer documents detailing vaccine deaths
Few of the World Economic Forum alumni®ion=§or=&status=alumni&x=0&y=0
Agenda 21

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Norman Fenton is a Professor of risk information management at Queen Mary University London & director of Agena specialising in risk management for critical systems with about half a dozen books & around 400 publications to his name. His expertise has been utilised in multiple different fields from health to security, software to law & forensics and much more. As one of the preeminent mathematicians & statisticians in the UK Norman and his team have recently taken deep dives into the statistics around infection & mortality rates during the pandemic as well as testing reliability and vaccine effectiveness.In this episode we look at the statistics around the famed PCR test, vaccination, all cause mortality and much, much more, listen in and let us know what you think!
00:45 Intro01:43 Work just prior to COVID crisis was also in the medical realm03:25 After ~400 publications, this was the first time there were issues with getting peer reviewed and published?12:30 PCR test issues15:10 False positive rates? What is important about those?21:20 Why was mass testing unnecessary 26:40 Previous years of influenza? 31:55 All cause death rates 40:00 evidence around miscategorization of deaths?49:30 Surely vaccines did something as we had a decrease in overall mortality51:50 Sick kids document - Adverse reactions protocol created for children from specialist hospital in Canada (link below)52:32 Study where 0 healthy children died from COVID55:15 Pfizer looking for EUA for children 6months+56:00 child vaccine schedule mitigates risk for childhood vaccinations57:00 Were lockdowns justified?1:00:00 Canada/ India lockdowns for climate change, academics too!1:05:58 Is this the end of it? Is COVID now put to bed?
SickKids hospital post vaccine document
ONS & PHE (UK Gov stats) stating stating on government dashboard covid deaths are counted as within 28 days of a positive death
UK Gov Cov dashboard
BBC news article 14 Jan reiterating covid deaths counted as

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Nicole Sirotek is the founder of American Frontline Nurses & The Advocate Network after seeing what in her eyes was completely unacceptable treatment of patients working in New York as seen in the now infamous video in a New York hospital breakroom pleading with those who would listen about said treatment during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. After leaving, Nicole went on to found both AFLN & The advocate Network as well as to work around the globe to help different countries on their approach to battling the pandemic with much success - and our discussion today surrounds that success she had in implementing tried and true strategies to beat back Covid in countries such as India and others. In addition to that we talk about the work AFLN and The Advocate Network are doing in supporting patients and families get the treatment they need and of course, Nicole's experience and how it compares treating Covid in less developed countries compared to the "superpowers" of the world. Join us as we attempt to breakdown some of the insanity that has taken place in the last two years.00:51 Intro04:50 People dying due to inadequate care in hospitals in New York?11:26 Budesonide helps? Asthmatics, COPD patients were gonna go first, right?14:35 Doctors were strictly following protocol and were afraid to deviate17:30 Why are we only now seeing people dropping dead outside of hospital, post vax, we were meant to see this pre vax?21:05 the wrong age bracket dropping dead/having cardiac issues23:40 Is the 4th shot a good idea?27:30 INDIA and... Iv*rmectin? How did you do it?39:00 Iv*rmectin is so cheap... Why aren't we using it?44:10 Why aren't we really utilising early treatment? Regulatory capture?49:00 woke culture heading to Florida?53:15 What was so disturbing in the hospitals in New York? People weren't dying in the street?58:50 What would you do?1:03:56 AFLN - What is it you guys are doing?
American Front Line
3rd leading cause of daths is medical error in the US
Nicole viral video
Oxford Stoic trial (lots of other trials too)
Players dropping on the field /
Maddie De Garay
Joe Biden 4th shot
Negative efficacy (using the UK HSA data)
Tokyo/Japan & Iv*rmectin
Article below has been edited - first is the "now" page, second is the original. Make of that what you will.

Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Dr Ahmad Malik is a consultant orthopedic surgeon in the NHS with over two decades of experience. We discuss aspects around medical ethics and informed consent - a theme which has popped up a lot on the podcast and why in his eyes the data that is available doesn't support the use of mandates and the public need to be better informed of both risks and limitations involved in experimental trials. We recorded this episode shortly after the massive win for The Together Declaration & NHS 100k of the dropping of the mandates for frontline workers by the government, thanks to tireless campaigning and protests, however there is still a lot more work to do.
00:30 Intro01:47 What is medical ethics to you?04:58 Why did you join the together declaration06:45 Emails from NHS trusts around status12:00 Why is bodily autonomy difficult and are vaccines needed to work in the NHS 18:20 Hep B mandate 23:40 Government/media misinformation? Earlier pandemic plans? 28:30 Why are you concerned about this vaccine?31:50 Jacinda Arden/Trudeau/Macron - saying we will make your life difficult35:00 Alternative repurposed medications?37:15 Workloads have impacted treatment?39:00 Doctors and studies...?40:00 Professionals scared to speak up?43:53 Absolute/relative risk 52:30 Why are high vax countries having higher infection rates? 53:30 Together Declaration & marches58:28 Canadian Gov vs. protests1:02:38 What's next?
Deferral of treatment Scottish fertility clinics!!!SINCE THE RECORDING OF THE EPISODE THIS DECISION HAS BEEN REVERSED!!!
Canadian covid care alliance
Pandemic preparedness preparedness strategy 2011

Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
This time we speak with Arno Wellens, who, having worked in the banking industry for years turned journalist, writer & speaker. We discuss the state of the economy, rising inflation, negative interest rates, digital currency, crypto and how this will impact us as ordinary citizens and why becoming a cashless society will provide no advantages - but a lot of disadvantages! Join us as we journey down the digital currency rabbit hole!
00:48 Intro02:00 Journalists are not necessarily trained in the field they're reporting03:20 How did the formation of the EU & Euro lend itself to creating a crisis?07:50 Labour force movements still happen, right?14:45 Where did this new money come from?22:30 Money has lost buying power 25:05 0 lower bound - interest below 0% 32:00 Cash is fiat currency - how is digital any different?38:35 How will the switch to the European central digital currency42:40 Governments want to ban bitcoin?49:25 Belfast smart city & cash/digital currencies 56:00 Is there a debt reset being initiated? 57:10 Mortgages & 2008 collapse1:04:44 EU debt crisis1:11:40 Are we just anti-new tech & innovation? Is digital currency just the new version of automatization1:17:10 Where can people find these things? (central digital currency etc) 1:22:22 Is there any connection between health passes & digital currency1:24:00 eIDAS directive digital identity wallet1:49:30 What things should we as citizens be looking out for?
eIDAS directive
European Central banks interest rates
(look up Switzerland, Denmark & Japan for examples of a few other countries dealing with a negative interest rate!)
Belfast Civic Dollar (paywall - unblocked below)
China bans bitcoin (again... yep, it's happened more than once)
China Digital Yuan
Arno Wellens website articles from there - European digital health pass was planned before the pandemic
Corona app, build back better & great reset using public health as a cover for implementation
At this point I normally provide a lot of links for the different things that were mentioned throughout the podcast and although, I do my utmost to provide links to individual topics, however this time I'm going to recommend heading to Arno's site where he dives into much, much greater detail and references everything whether that be from government websites or the central European bank sites, which are usually in English, the page itself is in Dutch but relatively straight forward to translate in your browser! No this wasn't sponsored or asked for by Arno - I am just a big fan of his work.
A day after we spoke - this was released from the governor of the Hungarian central bank talking about banning crypto mining.

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Dr. Steven Templeton is an associate professor at the University of Indiana in Microbiology & Immunology, today we discuss some of the nuances around immunity and immunology such as the difference between vaccine induced and infection acquired immunity, as well as pulling from his knowledge working at the CDC & NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health) - two of the governmental agencies with influence to the USA's national response to disease. We also touch on the effectiveness of some of the non pharmaceutical interventions (NPI's) such as lockdowns & masking as to whether or not they were appropriate responses.
I would urge you to, if you've interest in immunology, to check out Steve's substack - for some incredibly well written - and importantly, well referenced pieces - much like the over arching mantra of The Open Forum podcast - don't take mine or Steve's word for it - have a look at the research! Tune in to find out more!
00:47 Intro03:00 Advisor to local school board06:40 Should those with only infection acquired immunity ("natural immunity") be worried for further rounds of COVID?08:17 Nuances around vaccine induced and infection acquired immunity 10:40 Antibody levels don't equate to overall immunity12:10 Antibody Dependent Enhancement - what is that?14:00 How could we mitigate our risks?17.30 Does taking medication alter your immune response in any meaningful way compared to vaccination ie - does medication decrease long term immune response.19:50 difference in immunity required from vaccine or infection 24:50 gut vs airway vaccine26:30 mRNA vaccine - omicron/delta/alpha variants29:40 Do we need boosters every few months, what do the different approaches mean for the data?31:25 Non Pharma Intervention's (lockdowns) had a minimal effect (0.2%!) was there any place for NPI's? 40:30 Masking was it really useful?46:20 South Korea study - children were equal to adults in transmission? 57:35 immunosenescence is why older folks and not younger kids??1:00:00 what does the average age of death from covid tell us?1:02:50 how does cross infection immunity help?1:03:45 Advice to returning back to normal
Steve's Substack
Infection vs Vaccination acquired immunity (lots of articles referenced here)
Johns Hopkins study
Jeffrey Tucker Browstone Institute article
CDC mask study Feb 2021 release
South Korea study

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Dr David Cartland is a GP having practised medicine for 14 years and worked as a GP, in A&E & out of hours, he shares with us what he has seen working in clinic both in his time in the Midlands and when he moved down to the South West of the UK - giving him some important insight into the the treatment of COVID in different areas across the country. David shares some of the adverse events he has seen as well as the reason he has decided to hand in his resignation seeing both the data that is being ignored and the patients coming through the doors as a result of blanket healthcare decisions as he feels it goes against what it means to faithfully carry out the Hippocratic oath.
We also discuss briefly the Hart group which Dr Cartland has joined who aim to bring a little more transparency to the situation
0:40 Intro6:04 Why did you leave 13:40 Ratio in data of death 3 jabs/2/1/015:30 Yellow card scheme barriers20:53 Children myocarditis data25:20 FOIA 17000 deaths NOT 180,00027:40 Something for the kids JCVI advised against kids vaccination28:30 10 deaths under 20 30:45 "Mild Myocarditis" 34:10 Media influence38:30 Medical apartheid & consent46:25 Reporting of adverse events48:40 Jabbing kids51:35 Were vaccines justified? (vax efficacy 6 months) early treatment? budesonide, zinc, d54:00 Migrants/asymlum seekers exempt from jabs due to lack of indemnity 1:01:05 Overcoming the psych narrative 1:04:15 Hart Group
Pfizer release document of vaccine adverse events in first 3 months (dec 2020-Feb 2021) Pregnancy data on table 6
JAMA article on child myocarditis
UK HSA vaccince surveillance report week 9
FOIA request deaths WITHOUT underlying symptoms
Refugees lack COVID shots because drug makers fear lawsuits
Sunderland boss can't field team
"Anti-Vax" vaccinated olympic coach dies

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
On this episode we talk with Tiffany Toulouse - a CCU nurse with almost a decade of experience currently doing her PhD from Canada who shares with us her experience during the last two years of the pandemic, having been selected for the rapid intubation team - a team specifically selected to respond to COVID-19 patients during the early part of the pandemic in 2020 and covering multiple wards during the pandemic until December 2021. We cover how her experience in the hospital differed to what was seen on the news, potential financial incentives for hospitals to take certain treatment paths, the increase in suicide rates and the impact that had on the ICU as well as the impact of missed treatments due to hospitals working on reduced capacity and much, much more! Join us as we talk very frankly about how it was working the front lines in the pandemic.
As always, a brief chapter list and under that some articles/documents covering some of the background to what Tiffany mentioned throughout the podcast.
00.50 intro02.05 What has it been like working as a nurse during covid05.00 Covid Rapid response team! (Avengers, Assemble!)07.20 monetary incetives to maintain?14.20 second wave - dofferent to media?(mental health/suicide) 17.35 other alternatives to ease the preasure on healthcare?20.30 icu rates for suicides/domestic abuse26.20 unvax no bed no treatment 27.50 how was it in the wards during the peaks?33.00 - lifestyle choices & lockdown40.00 ivermectin in the world46.00 covid second opinions nicole sirotek & remdesivir fatality/multi organ failure49.00 remdesivir study vs. three drugs to justify study Financial incentives for remdesivir patients 52 mins patients not getting treatment? 54.00 What was the impact of the media's role in the covid space?56.40 Trusted News Initiative 59.30 Canadian protests and truckers event (Episode recorded the day before the protest)1.04.40 dont do your own research1.05.20 biosecurity austria mandate other vaccines1.06.30 impacts of mandates on healthcare1.09.30 orangeville ask kitchen staff to hrlp on flloor1.10.40 take aways
Incentives for covid19 Senator for minesota Dr. Scott Jensen (4.00)
Increase in domestic abuse
Teen suicide attempts
95% had extra co-morbidities
78% vax deaths had 4 or more co-morbids
Remdesivir Ebola study
Kitchen staff used to help nurses
Nicole Sirotek testimony
SickKids hospital POST VACCINE document

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Alex Antic is a Senator from South Australia representing the Liberal party, with a background in law practising for almost two decades, he brings that energy into the senate floor to push for openness and transparency being one of the members senate to push for normality to be restored and freedoms to be given back to the people of Australia. Join us as we talk about the situation down under as well as Senator Antic's run in with a quarantine facility and his views on where we're headed if something isn't done to shake up the current status quo. As always, links in the description for some of the topics we covered where relevant!
00.15 Intro04.12 Alex's brush with the quaratine hotel & how quarantine works11.15 FOIA request for rationale behind health advice/requirements14.40 Quarantine facilities, Howard Springs15.15 dentention facility/Hayley Hogson story20.00 Are the Australian government trying to hold onto power with new facilities? 22.35 Coercion, rewards for getting vaccinated26.15 restrictions on leaving home in the northern territories, "being up to date"28.00 Quarantine App - with tracking & biometric data30.15 Warrantless checks coming into your home.31.20 Australian government agreements on how many vials of vaccine were purchased versus population of Australia35.50 Bidermans chart of coercion37.30 Trivial demands of the populous40.00 fact checkers are opinions, trusted news initiative40.45 Media coveraage or lack there of with protests & beyond44.30 Issue with career politicians50.00 How is the current picture in Oz?52.45 What are the constituents saying?55.45 Crisis of the day management? Where should we be looking next!
Info on the South Australia "Home Quarantine SA" app (As per SA gov website)
Australia vaccine purchasing volume agreements
Hayley Hodgson story on Unherd!Rebuttle from NT Health Spokesperson

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Brook Jackson was the former regional director for 2 of the 3 Ventavia clinical sites for the Pfizer mRNA trials. A few hours after her filing of a complaint with the FDA with regards to alleged fraud in the clinical sites she found herself being let go.
This episode we dive in to what happened during the trial that led to Brook blowing the whistle on the conduct of staff and management as well as her dismissal. We discuss the alleged fraud, administrative errors, issues with hard copy documents and electronic records not matching or being changed at the request of Pfizer directly, staff being so overwhelmed they were unable to follow up on adverse events - both serious and otherwise as well as her law suits filed against Ventavia & Pfizer and much much more!
Timeline00:15 intro02:02 CRO's/Ventavia/Pfizer03:59 Small steps to blowing the whistle?06:06 The issues with informed consent10:45 Gaps in informed consent?13:10 Staffing issues20:20 Staffing issues with (serious) adverse event follow ups23:40 Maddie De Garay25:00 Missing info 31:30 Randomisation scheme in patient file40:50 Ventavia was "only" 3 sites 1000 patients?43:00 FDA didn't follow up.. fired hours after complaint!48:00 Ventavia got more trials?50:45 Why has it taken so long51:30 Filing the lawsuits1:01:05 Intimidation?1:04:40 Text messages with Pfizer lawyer1:12:00 Don't believe me, believe the evidence1:16:00 document releases (18 Jan & end of Jan) don't add up to hard copy data1:18:001:23:00 SAE is an AE? Fraud?1:32:00 Phasing out/outro
Find her on
Referenced materials:
FDA Briefing document (page 42 for suspected covid cases)
Article by EpochTimes where most of the lawsuit issues spoken about can be found
Maddie De Garay's mother on Tucker Carlson explaining her daughters case